Our logo is simple and distinctive, it represents our brand’s core values and we ask you to follow our guidelines in order to ensure consistency.

Primary Logo

Obesity Action Coalition logo

Our logo is our visual identity and should be used in all communication materials.

  • OAC is the sole owner of all right, title, and interest to all OAC information, including OAC logos, trademarks, name, trade names, and copyrighted materials (“OAC Property”). When the sponsorship or partnership is terminated or expires, the sponsor/partner should discontinue the use of all OAC Property.
  • Minimum Size for OAC Logo: To maintain legibility, our logo should never appear smaller than 5/8″ (16 mm) wideon most print material (office papers, brochures, stationery, etc.). For select digital applications where space is limited, the minimum size may be adjusted. Always maintain the logo’s aspect ratio when scaling—resize proportionally. The minimum size of 5/8″ (16 mm) wide applies to all versions of the logo (color, black, white).
  • Clear Space for OAC Logo: Clear space is the minimum “breathing room” around our logo. It also defines the minimum distance between the logo and the edge of a page or screen, and that space should be free of text, graphics, etc. The minimum clear space around our logo is equal to half the height of the OAC logo. For select digital applications and business cards where space is limited, clear space may be adjusted.
  • If you are unable to use the OAC logo due to size or space constraints, local law, or unrelated third-party requirements, please use the full company name, “Obesity Action Coalition.”
  • Our primary logo should always be the first choice when trying to use the OAC logo but when appropriate, it may be substituted with any of the options listed in this section.



Alternative Logo Designs


See also: