Our voice and tone play a key role in the creation of our content and it is important to understand the difference.

Our voice is our unique personality as an organization and our tone is more like an attitude – the emotional context of a piece. In other words, our voice doesn’t change much day to day but our tone changes all the time depending on the context.



When it comes to our voice, we speak with experience and compassion, we rely on science-based sources and we want to educate people. We communicate with a conversational, informative, inclusive and empowering voice. We aim to impart our expertise with clarity and empathy through simple, clear and easy-to-understand content.



For our tone, we consider our audience, purpose and overall context to deliver the right message while building a strong connection with our readers. When it comes to our tone, we aim to convey our brand’s message with a clear and appropriate tone. Therefore, we ask you to do the same and adjust our tone accordingly to fit your content.